BFF RAMBLINGS: A scent of heaven with Les Colognes, Annick Goutal

19 Apr 2013

A scent of heaven with Les Colognes, Annick Goutal

Being a fanatic of the top 10 most expensive perfumes in the world - Annick Goutal, Linda was super excited when she received their invitation to celebrate the launch of AG's new Les Colognes collection. On top of that, Camille (daughter of late Annick & current boss of the brand now) will be there too.

Since Linda want me to join her, why not to follow? *blink blink.
Here we go...
The entrance
Before the event started :
That's Camille giving the speech

Les Colognes consists of 3 existing fragrances - Eau d’Hadrien, Vétiver and Néroli and the scents can last up to 8 hours. The new packaging comes with larger bottle for 200ml, simple design with gold cap and white label of 'Annick Goutal'.
Eau d'Hadrien, Vetiver & Neroli

Among these 3, i'd choose Hadrien the best. Hopst..doesn't mean that i'm into it already yeah. Our one & only shopaholic Linda can't resist to grab one! Hahaa..Close your eyes and swipe for RM785.
What makes it more worthy --> Camille exclusively signed on the bottle! 
Hungry tummy call..and these was what we had. The macarons were so fine, tasty and not too sweet. I almost finished the whole plate!..hihihihihi...
Us -before leaving.

Well, i still prefer the existing packaging, more feminine and exclusive look. Annick Goutal carries more than 20 range of perfumes and there are stories behind each fragrance created. Check AG Fragrances to know further. One of the famous scent is Petite Cherie which was specially created for Camille in 1998 from her late mother which means Little Darling. 

p/s: Linda...welcoming anytime of your 'let go' AG..



  1. Petite Cherie jek sedap...bau pear...tapi tak berapa long lasting pun...

    1. buy EDP last longer. I love all their scents but personal favourite would be the Le Chèvrefeuille. mix sket with petite cherie..wallaaaa...bau dia smp mlm lekat.


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